TransProteus Dataset
TransProteus Dataset for 3D shape and properties of materials liqudis and objects inside transparent vessesls from images", the dataset combine 3D CGI images and real images
The TransProteus dataset new procedurally generated dataset consisting of 50k images of liquids and solid objects inside transparent containers. The image annotations
include 3D models, material properties (color/transparency/roughness...), and segmentation masks for the
vessel and its content. The synthetic (CGI) part of the dataset was procedurally generated using 13k
different objects, 500 different environments (HDRI), and 1450 material textures (PBR) combined with
simulated liquids and procedurally generated vessels. In addition, we supply 104 real-world images of
objects inside transparent vessels with depth maps of both the vessel and its content.
Dataset Generation
The dataset was generated using the Blender 3D software with an emphasis on
generality and diversity. Over 500 high-definition backgrounds (HDRI) were used, providing a wide
variety of natural illumination and environments. In addition, over 13,000 random objects were used for
both the background and the vessel content. Finally, over 1400 material textures (PBRs) were used for
the ground plane. The vessels were procedurally generated with an unlimited number of different curves,
shapes, and materials. Two types of content were generated inside the container. The first type is random
objects taken from the ShapeNet dataset and put inside the vessel. The second content type
was liquids with various properties simulated using the Blender MantaFlow tool with effects such as
splashing, foam, and bubbles. Container shapes and materials for both vessels and content were
procedurally generated. Altogether, this makes the TransProteus dataset one of the most diverse synthetic
datasets in terms of environment, illumination, materials, objects, and setting. In addition, we
created a small dataset containing 104 real-world photos with depth maps of both the vessel and its
content; this set was created using the RealSense depth sensor.
The LabPics Dataset was created by
the Matter Lab, Alan Aspuru group, feel free to contact us using this
Mirror Dataset Download
Full Dataset Mirror 1
Full Dataset Mirror 2
Sample of Dataset 1
Sample of Dataset 2